Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. - Matthew 5: 4 Prayer: God, I offer the people who are weighing me down to you. If the pain I have is holding me from deeper love, please show me the way to acknowledge it, transform it, and ultimately be a testament to your goodness and love. Amen Challenge: To pray and offer God any pain or fear that is undergirding anger toward others. And to pray again for those I call my enemies. Comments are closed.
AuthorOver the next 21 days, Aldersgate UMC is invited into an intentional time of prayer for ourselves and our community, You will be receiving a daily email (FaceBook blasts too!) with scripture, questions, prayer, and a daily challenge to use during your personal prayer and devotional time. The prayers used will come from a new resource by Justin LaRosa, a UMC Deacon from Hyde Park UMC in Tampa FL. The resource is called “the Jesus Challenge” - 21 Days of loving God and Neighbor. Some other prayers will be adapted to include specific prayers for our Aldersgate community. ArchivesCategories |