ABOUT USWorship Service
Every Sunday at 10:00am or join us virtually facebook@aldersgateUMCEB YouTube@aldersgateumcnj1154/streams Our Worship Service is engaging and faith filled for all ages. Communion time is the first Sunday of the month. Fellowship time follows our 10:00 worship service with coffee and snacks. Christian Education We offer year round Christian education and faith development opportunities for students of all ages. Sunday School runs September through June on Sunday morning at 9:00 am. To register: aldersgateumc-eb.org/sunday-school.html. Adult Bible Study: every Thursday at 1:00 p.m. in Room 210. For more information, contact the church office, 732-254-7361. Women's Sunshine Circle Group All women are welcome. The group meets once a month. The Sunshine Circle has been a part of Aldersgate UMC since 1980. Our members are very dedicated and always eager to support one another. We have a lot of fun and great fellowship. To join, contact the church office, 732.254.7361 Aldersgate Outreach Community Center AOCC is a primary mission of Aldersgate. Our food pantry provides food to hundreds of families each month. In addition, we make a monthly onsite distribution to almost 100 residents at the Hall’s Corner Senior Apartments in East Brunswick. Clients of the food pantry are registered and meet Federal and State guidelines for assistance. We also have a thrift shop which is open to the public and sells new and used clothing, toys and household items. The proceeds from the thrift shop support the food pantry. For more information, visit: Outreach Center. 2024 Vacation Bible School - July 22–July 26, 5pm - 8:30pm Aldersgate UMC is offering one week full of fun Bible-based learning and playing. School-aged children from Kindergarten to 6th grade. There are also plenty of opportunities for adults and older children to volunteer to assist for the week. Volunteers for a few hours or a few days. Registration will open in June. Music The vocal choirs are led by the Music Director and Organist, Paul Sallee. ([email protected]) for more information. Senior Choir: Meets every Thursday at 7:45 pm. The Choir performs weekly at the 10:00 am Service. Hand bell Choir: Meets every Thursday at 7:00 pm. The Choir performs monthly at the 10:00 am Service. For more information, please email LeeAnn Peterson [email protected] |
Easter Egg Hunt 2024 - Saturday, March 30, 2pm–4pm (see events) Held each year just before Easter Sunday. Last year's event was held outdoors and was a great success. Pictures with the Easter Bunny, pony rides, a petting zoo, egg hunt, crafts, & more. Advent Programs Four Sundays leading up to Christmas~ Join us as we wait in anticipation for the coming of the Christ Child. December Events Tree Lighting/Christmas Carols/Stories with Santa/Cookie Walk Children's Christmas Pageant/Potluck Dinner Christmas Eve Candlelight/Communion Service Other events include: Rally Day, Easter Bunny Breakfast, Church Picnics, Trunk or Treat, Movie Nights, Women's Retreat, Youth Car Wash, Clean-Up/Workdays, Indoor & Outdoor Yard Sales and more! Youth Group Sundays at 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm. All youth in 7th - 12th grades are welcome. Focus on faith, fun, friends, fellowship and mission activities. To join: Youth Group United Methodist Men Men meet for social, educational, and/or mission activities and mutual support. |