Welcome Statement
At Aldersgate United Methodist Church of East Brunswick, we
celebrate the diversity and dignity of God's creation. We welcome
and affirm all of God's beloved children, regardless of age, ability,
background, belief, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual
orientation, socioeconomic status, family structure, or immigration
status. All are welcome as full participants in our community
without restriction or discrimination. As followers of Jesus, we
value the wholeness that comes from a community equally shared
and shepherded by all. We are committed to pursuing justice for
those who are marginalized and oppressed.
Our Values
These core values guide our ministry and mission:
● Experience Love and Grace: We strive to help more people
experience the love and grace of Jesus Christ.
● Spiritual Growth: We are committed to growing people
spiritually through the life and examples of Christ.
● Community Investment: We love our community, invest in it,
and care for those in need.
● Unconditional Welcome: We welcome everyone by loving
unconditionally, just as Christ did.
● Service Opportunities: We help everyone find areas to serve
others that utilize their God-given passions and gifts.
These values define and guide who we are and how we worship
and work as a church, striving to fulfill the Great Commandment (to
love God and love others) and the Great Commission (to spread the
love and message of Jesus wherever we go).
At Aldersgate United Methodist Church of East Brunswick, we
celebrate the diversity and dignity of God's creation. We welcome
and affirm all of God's beloved children, regardless of age, ability,
background, belief, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual
orientation, socioeconomic status, family structure, or immigration
status. All are welcome as full participants in our community
without restriction or discrimination. As followers of Jesus, we
value the wholeness that comes from a community equally shared
and shepherded by all. We are committed to pursuing justice for
those who are marginalized and oppressed.
Our Values
These core values guide our ministry and mission:
● Experience Love and Grace: We strive to help more people
experience the love and grace of Jesus Christ.
● Spiritual Growth: We are committed to growing people
spiritually through the life and examples of Christ.
● Community Investment: We love our community, invest in it,
and care for those in need.
● Unconditional Welcome: We welcome everyone by loving
unconditionally, just as Christ did.
● Service Opportunities: We help everyone find areas to serve
others that utilize their God-given passions and gifts.
These values define and guide who we are and how we worship
and work as a church, striving to fulfill the Great Commandment (to
love God and love others) and the Great Commission (to spread the
love and message of Jesus wherever we go).