Closing Schedule
Easter Weekend: Saturday 4/19
Memorial Day Weekend: Saturday 5/24
July 4th Weekend: Thursday 7/3 – Saturday 7/5
Labor Day Weekend: Saturday 8/30
Thanksgiving Weekend: Thursday 11/27 – Saturday 11/29
Church Activity: Saturday 12/13
Christmas: Wednesday 12/24 – Friday, 1/2
Closing Schedule
Easter Weekend: Saturday 4/19
Memorial Day Weekend: Saturday 5/24
July 4th Weekend: Thursday 7/3 – Saturday 7/5
Labor Day Weekend: Saturday 8/30
Thanksgiving Weekend: Thursday 11/27 – Saturday 11/29
Church Activity: Saturday 12/13
Christmas: Wednesday 12/24 – Friday, 1/2
OPERATING HOURS: TUESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY 10:00AM - 12:00PM You must bring your own bags, carts will be limited. Numbers will be distributed beginning at 9:45AM to food pantry neighbors. You must be present when your number is called or you will have to take a new number.
The food pantry is open to qualified Middlesex County neighbors receiving WIC, SNAP, Medicaid, SSI or meeting Federal income guidelines. To register, you must have a government-issued photo ID and proof of your current address. IDs are required on family members over 18 and birth certificates are required on children under 18. THRIFT SHOP DONATIONS: Donation days are Wednesday, 10am-12:30pm, Saturday, 12pm–1pm. Food Donations Guidelines: Fresh fruits and vegetables are accepted. Non-perishable food must be in original packaging and no expired food will be accepted. School lunch donations: All items except for the prepared food such as pasta, sauces, sandwiches. Milk and juices must be future-dated. OUR THRIFT SHOP IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Shop for low-cost clothing, household goods, linens, and toys. Shop online at AOCCThrift: https://www.ebay.com/usr/aoccthrift We accept all household goods that are in gently-used condition and in working order. Linens, pillows, clothing must be clean with no stains or rips. We do not accept used undergarments and clothing should be seasonal only, please. We do not accept adult books, furniture, large appliances, and TVs. Glassware must be in sets of four or more. Toys must have all parts. Please tape or bag small pieces together. |
AOCC is a primary mission of Aldersgate. Our food pantry provides food to hundreds of families each month at our Ryders Lane location. In addition, we make a monthly onsite distribution to almost 100 residents at the Hall’s Corner Senior Apartments in East Brunswick. Clients of the food pantry are registered and meet Federal and State guidelines for assistance. We also have a thrift shop which is open to the public and sells new and used clothing, toys and household items. The proceeds from the thrift shop support the food pantry.
Monetary donations are always welcome, especially during this difficult time when we may not be able to get all the food we need through the Community Food Bank, Replenish, the Middlesex County Food Bank or community donations and have to pay full retail prices through grocery stores. Donations may be made through the “Donate” button (top left of this page). If you or your organization would like to set u a food drive for AOCC, please contact Diane Hutchins at 908-239-9098. |